The Chairman shall at a special meeting to be held before the end of February in each year lay before the Board, the annual budget of the scheme for the year commencing on the first day of April, then next ensuing in such details and forms as the Board may from time to time specify, The Board shall consider the estimate so presented to it and shall within 4 weeks of its presentation sanction the same either unaltered or subject to such alteration as it may deem fit.
Any worker who. on the date from which this Scheme applies to him is or was working in any scheduled employment specified In column 1 to the Schedule hereto shall be registered under this Scheme. Any other worker who has been or was working in the said Scheduled employment on such date as has been or may be specified by the Board in that behalf may be so registered if he is a citizen of India possesses such qualifications as have been or may be specified by the Board having regard to local conditions. physical fitness, capacity and experience and is not more than sixty years of age or medically unfit.